Applies EuroTransplant algorithm on deceased donor's Kidney allocation for transplantation. Ordering of waitlisted candidates for a given donor according to ETKAS algorithm.
iso = TRUE,
dABO = "A",
dA = c("1", "2"),
dB = c("15", "44"),
dDR = c("1", "4"),
donor.age = 65,
data = candidates,
month = 2.78,
mm0 = 400,
mm1 = 333.33,
mm2 = 266.67,
mm3 = 200,
mm4 = 133.33,
mm5 = 66.67,
mm6 = 0,
df.abs = cabs,
hlaA = hlaApt,
hlaB = hlaBpt,
hlaDR = hlaDRpt,
abo.freq = ABOpt,
n = 2,
check.validity = TRUE
- iso
A logical value for isogroupal compatibility.
- dABO
A character value with ABO blood group (O, A, B, AB).
- dA
A two elements character vector donor's HLA-A typing.
- dB
A two elements character vector donor's HLA-B typing.
- dDR
A two elements character vector donor's HLA-DR typing.
- donor.age
A numeric value with donor's age.
- data
A data frame containing demographics and medical information for a group of waitlisted transplant candidates.
- month
A numeric value with the punctuation for each month (between 0 and 10).
- mm0
A numeric value with points for 0 HLA mm on ETKAS points table.
- mm1
A numeric value with points for 1 HLA mm on ETKAS points table.
- mm2
A numeric value with points for 2 HLA mm on ETKAS points table.
- mm3
A numeric value with points for 3 HLA mm on ETKAS points table.
- mm4
A numeric value with points for 4 HLA mm on ETKAS points table.
- mm5
A numeric value with points for 5 HLA mm on ETKAS points table.
- mm6
A numeric value with points for 6 HLA mm on ETKAS points table.
- df.abs
A data frame with candidates' antibodies.
- hlaA
A data frame with HLA-A allele frequencies.
- hlaB
A data frame with HLA-B allele frequencies.
- hlaDR
A data frame with HLA-DR allele frequencies.
- abo.freq
A data frame with ABO blood group frequencies.
- n
A positive integer to slice the first candidates.
- check.validity
Logical to decide whether to validate input.
if (FALSE) {
et(iso = TRUE, dABO = "A",
dA = c("1","2"), dB = c("15","44"), dDR = c("1","4"),
donor.age = 65,
data = candidates, month = 2.78,
mm0 = 400, mm1 = 333.33, mm2 = 266.67, mm3 = 200,
mm4 = 133.33, mm5 = 66.67, mm6 = 0,
df.abs = cabs,
hlaA = hlaApt, hlaB = hlaBpt, hlaDR = hlaDRpt,
abo.freq = ABOpt,
n = 2,
check.validity = TRUE)