Applies Lima's algorithm on deceased donor's Kidney allocation for transplantation. Ordering of waitlisted candidates for a given donor and according to Lima's algorithm.
- iso
A logical value for isogroupal compatibility.
- dABO
A character value with donor's ABO blood group (O, A, B, AB).
- dA
A two elements character vector donor's HLA-A typing.
- dB
A two elements character vector donor's HLA-B typing.
- dDR
A two elements character vector donor's HLA-DR typing.
- donor.age
A numeric value with donor's age.
- df.abs
A data frame with candidates' antibodies.
- data
A data frame containing demographics and medical information for a group of waitlisted transplant candidates with color priority classification.
- n
A positive integer to slice the first candidates.
- q2
A numerical value for the median of candidates' waiting list (0 - 120).
- q3
A numerical value for the third quartile of candidates' waiting list (0 - 120).
- cPRA1
A numerical value (0 - 100) for the lower cPRA cutoff.
- cPRA2
A numerical value (0 - 100) for the higher cPRA cutoff.
- check.validity
Logical to decide whether to validate input arguments.