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Generic function that runs the matchability between all combinations of donors and candidates. Runs an arbitrary number of times (iteration.number) to provide statistics.


  iteration.number = 10,
  df.donors = donors,
  df.candidates = candidates,
  df.abs = cabs,
  algorithm = lima,
  n = 0,
  seed.number = 123,
  check.validity = TRUE,



Number of times the matchability runs.


A data frame containing demographics and medical information for a pool of donors. For uk algorithm must have their respective columns.


A data frame containing demographics and medical information for a group of waitlisted transplant candidates. For uk algorithm must have respective columns.


A data frame with candidates' antibodies.


The name of the function to use. Valid options are: lima, et, pts, uk (without quotation)


A positive integer to slice the first candidates.


Seed for new random number. seed.number can be NA in which case no seed is applied.


Logical to decide whether to validate input.


all the parameters used on the function algorithm


Overall statistics obtained from all runs.


# \donttest{
several(iteration.number = 10,
df.donors = donors,
df.candidates = candidates,
df.abs = cabs,
algorithm = lima,
n = 0,
seed.number = 123,
check.validity = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 15
#>    it    data     age_avg mmHLA_avg mmHLA0_n mmHLA1_n mmHLA2_n mmHLA3_n mmHLA4_n
#>    <chr> <list>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 1     <tibble>    48.4      3.39        1        7       16       56       37
#>  2 2     <tibble>    48.1      3.34        0        6       26       51       32
#>  3 3     <tibble>    48.2      3.41        0        5       18       63       31
#>  4 4     <tibble>    48.2      3.4         0        3       19       61       35
#>  5 5     <tibble>    48.3      3.38        1        5       21       56       32
#>  6 6     <tibble>    48.8      3.27        1        5       26       57       29
#>  7 7     <tibble>    49.1      3.3         0        6       25       58       29
#>  8 8     <tibble>    48.4      3.34        0        4       22       65       28
#>  9 9     <tibble>    48.6      3.33        0        7       21       58       30
#> 10 10    <tibble>    48.3      3.36        0        6       20       58       36
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: mmHLA5_n <dbl>, mmHLA6_n <dbl>, dialysis_avg <dbl>,
#> #   cPRA_avg <dbl>, HI_n <dbl>, SP_n <dbl>
# }